
Hydroelectric Generator


Hydroelectric Generator, L1-1060.10, £54.00

The Hydroelectric Generator (Pelton turbine with generator) enables students to see clearly how hydro electricity is produced.

There is a gap in the side of the turbine and water can be poured in here and collected in the circular dish. Because the unit is self contained it can be operated at bench level, giving all students a clear view of it working. Alternatively the unit could be placed in a sink and direct the water from the tap through the hole.
If there is a good flow of water enough energy is produced to light a filament lamp or an LED.

The generator is a 6V AC bicycle dynamo type.

You could try to transmit the energy across the classroom using stepup and stepdown transformers.

Dimensions: height 30cm, circular base 17cm diameter.






LEDBest results were obtained using an LED mounted in our Component Holder. The LED flashes because the voltage produced by the hydroelectric generator model is AC.
LED Holder, A1-1200.51, £5.50


Red LED, A3-1000.00, £0.15



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